श्री नृसिंहकवचस्तोत्रम्

Śrī Nṛsiṁha-kavaca-stotram

नृसिंहकवचं वक्ष्ये
प्रह्लादेनोदितं पुरा
सर्वरक्षकरं पुन्यं


nṛsiṁha-kavacaṁ vakṣye
prahlādenoditaṁ purā
sarva-rakṣa-karaṁ punyaṁ

I shall now recite the Nṛsiṁha-kavaca, formerly spoken by Prahlāda Mahārāja. It is most pious, vanquishes all kinds of impediments, and provides one all protection.

Ik zal nu de Nṛsiṁha-kavaca reciteren, voorheen gesproken door Prahlāda Mahārāja. Het is uiterst zegenrijk, verwijdert alle belemmeringen en schenkt alle bescherming.

सर्वसम्पत्करं चैव
ध्यात्वा नृसिंहं देवेशं


sarva-sampat-karaṁ caiva
dhyātvā nṛsiṁhaṁ deveśaṁ

It bestows upon one all opulences and can give one elevation to the heavenly planets or liberation. One should meditate on Lord Nṛsiṁha, Lord of the universe, seated upon a golden throne.

Het schenkt iemand alle weelde en kan iemand verheffing naar de hemelse planeten of bevrijding schenken. Men dient te mediteren op Heer Nṛsiṁha, Heer van het universum, gezeteld op een gouden troon.

विवृतास्यं त्रिनयनं


vivṛtāsyaṁ tri-nayanaṁ
vibhūtibhir upāśritam

His mouth is wide open, He has three eyes, and He is as radiant as the autumn moon. Lakṣmīdevī embraces him on his left side, and His form is the shelter of all opulences, both material and spiritual.

Zijn mond staat wijd open, Hij heeft drie ogen, en Hij is zo stralend als de herfstmaan. Hij wordt door Lakṣmī-devī aan Zijn linkerzijde omhelsd, en Zijn gedaante is de verblijfplaats van alle materiële en spirituele weelde.

चतुर्भुजं कोमलाङ्गं


catur-bhujaṁ komalāṅgaṁ

The Lord has four arms, and His limbs are very soft. He is decorated with golden earrings. His chest is resplendent like the lotus flower, and His arms are decorated with jewel-studded ornaments.

De Heer heeft vier armen, en Zijn ledematen zijn erg zacht. Hij is getooid met gouden oorbellen. Zijn borst is schitterend als de lotusbloem, en Zijn armen zijn getooid met sieraden vol juwelen.



sphuran māṇikya-dīptibhiḥ

He is dressed in a spotless yellow garment, which exactly resembles molten gold. He is the original cause of existence, beyond the mundane sphere, for the great demigods headed by Indra. He appears bedecked with rubies that are blazingly effulgent.

Hij is gekleed in een onberispelijk geel kledingstuk, dat precies op gesmolten goud lijkt. Hij is de oorspronkelijke oorzaak van het bestaan, ontstegen aan de materiële wereld, voor de grote goden aangevoerd door Indra. Hij is bedekt met robijnen die verblindend schitteren.

गरुत्मता च विनयात्
स्तूयमानं मुदान्वितम्


garutmatā ca vinayāt
stūyamānaṁ mudānvitam

His two feet are very attractive, and He is armed with various weapons such as the conch, disc, etc. Garuḍa joyfully offers prayers with great reverence.

Zijn twee voeten zijn erg aantrekkelijk, en Hij is gewapend met verschillende wapens zoals de schelphoorn, werpschijf, etc. Met grote eerbied en blijdschap zendt Garuḍa gebeden tot Hem op.

कृत्वा तु कवचं पथेत्
नृसिंहो मे शिरः पातु


kṛtvā tu kavacaṁ pathet
nṛsiṁho me śiraḥ pātu

Having seated Lord Nṛsiṁhadeva upon the lotus of one’s heart, one should recite the following mantra: May Lord Nṛsiṁha, who protects all the planetary systems, protect my head.

Op het moment dat Heer Nṛsiṁhadeva in het hart verblijft, dient men de volgende mantra te chanten: Moge Heer Nṛsiṁha, die alle planetenstelsels beschermt, mijn hoofd beschermen.

सर्वगो ऽपि स्तम्भवासः
फलं मे रक्षतु ध्वनिम्
नृसिंहो मे दृशौ पातु


sarvago ’pi stambha-vāsaḥ
phalaṁ me rakṣatu dhvanim
nṛsiṁho me dṛśau pātu

Although the Lord is all-pervading, He hid Himself within a pillar. May He protect my speech and the results of my activities. May Lord Nṛsiṁha, whose eyes are the sun, and fire, protect my eyes.

Hoewel de Heer alomtegenwoordig is, hield Hij Zich schuil in een pilaar. Moge Hij mijn spraak en het resultaat van mijn activiteiten beschermen. Moge Heer Nṛsiṁha, wiens ogen de zon en het vuur zijn, mijn ogen beschermen.

स्मृतं मे पातु नृहरिः
नासं मे सिंहनाशस्तु
मुखं लक्ष्मीमुखप्रियः


smṛtaṁ me pātu nṛhariḥ
nāsaṁ me siṁha-nāśas tu
mukhaṁ lakṣmī-mukha-priyaḥ

May Lord Nṛhari, who is pleased by the prayers offered by the best of sages, protect my memory. May He who has the nose of a lion protect my nose, and may He whose face is very dear to the goddess of fortune protect my mouth.

Moge Heer Nṛhari die tevredengesteld is door de gebeden van de beste der wijzen, mijn geheugen beschermen. Moge Hij die de neus van een leeuw heeft mijn neus beschermen, en moge Hij wiens gezicht erg dierbaar is aan de geluksgodin mijn mond beschermen.

सर्वविद्याधिपः पातु
नृसिंहो रसनं मम
वक्त्रं पात्व् इन्दुवदनं
सदा प्रह्लादवन्दितः


sarva-vidyādhipaḥ pātu
nṛsiṁho rasanaṁ mama
vaktraṁ pātv indu-vadanaṁ
sadā prahlāda-vanditaḥ

May Lord Nṛsiṁha, who is the knower of all sciences, protect my sense of taste. May He whose face is beautiful as the full moon and who is offered prayers by Prahlāda Mahārāja protect my face.

Moge Heer Nṛsiṁha die een kenner van alle wetenschappen is, mijn smaakzin beschermen. Moge Hij wiens gezicht zo mooi als de volle maan is, en tot wie gebeden door Prahlāda Mahārāja worden opgezonden, mijn gezicht beschermen.

नृसिंहह् पातु मे कण्ठं
स्कन्धौ भूभृदनन्तकृत्
नृसिंहः पातु मे भुजौ


nṛsiṁhah pātu me kaṇṭhaṁ
skandhau bhū-bhṛd ananta-kṛt
nṛsiṁhaḥ pātu me bhujau

May Lord Nṛsiṁha protect my throat. He is the sustainer of the earth and the performer of unlimitedly wonderful activities. May He protect my shoulders. His arms are resplendent with transcendental weapons. May He protect my shoulders.

Moge Heer Nṛsiṁha mijn keel beschermen. Hij is de instandhouder van de aarde en de verrichter van oneindige wonderbaarlijke activiteiten. Moge Hij mijn schouders beschermen. Zijn armen zijn stralend met transcendentale wapens. Moge Hij mijn schouders beschermen.

करौ मे देववरदो
नृसिंहः पातु सर्वतः
हृदयं योगिसाध्यश्च
निवासं पातु मे हरिः


karau me deva-varado
nṛsiṁhaḥ pātu sarvataḥ
hṛdayaṁ yogi-sādhyaś ca
nivāsaṁ pātu me hariḥ

May the Lord, who bestows benedictions upon the demigods, protect my hands, and may He protect me from all sides. May He who is achieved by the perfect yogīs protect my heart, and may Lord Hari protect my dwelling place.

Moge de Heer, die zegeningen schenkt aan de goden, mijn handen beschermen, en moge Hij me van alle kanten beschermen. Moge Hij die bereikt wordt door perfecte yogi’s mijn hart beschermen, en moge Heer Hari mijn verblijfplaats beschermen.

मध्यं पातु हिरण्याक्ष
नाभिं मे पातु नृहरिः


madhyaṁ pātu hiraṇyākṣa-
nābhiṁ me pātu nṛhariḥ

May He who ripped apart the chest and abdomen of the great demon Hiraṇyākṣa protect my waist, and may Lord Nṛhari protect my navel. Lord Brahmā, who has sprung from his own navel, offers him prayers.

Moge Hij die de borstkas en ingewanden van de grote demon Hiraṇyākṣa uit elkaar rukte mijn middel beschermen, en moge Heer Nṛhari mijn navel beschermen. Heer Brahmā die voortgekomen is uit Zijn eigen navel, zendt gebeden tot Hem op.

ब्रह्माण्डकोटयः कट्यां
यस्यासौ पातु मे कटिम्
गुह्यं मे पातु गुह्यानां
मन्त्रानां गुह्यरूपदृक्


brahmāṇḍa-koṭayaḥ kaṭyāṁ
yasyāsau pātu me kaṭim
guhyaṁ me pātu guhyānāṁ
mantrānāṁ guhya-rūpa-dṛk

May He on whose hips rest all the universes protect my hips. May the Lord protect my private parts. He is the knower of all mantras and all mysteries, but He Himself is not visible.

Moge Hij op wiens heupen alle universums rusten mijn heupen beschermen. Moge de Heer mijn geslachtsdelen beschermen. Hij is de kenner van alle mantra’s en alle mysteries, maar Hijzelf is onzichtbaar.

ऊरू मनोभवः पातु
जानुनी नररूपदृक्
जङ्घे पातु धराभर
हर्ता यो ऽसौ नृकेशरी


ūrū manobhavaḥ pātu
jānunī nara-rūpa-dṛk
jaṅghe pātu dharā-bhara-
hartā yo ’sau nṛ-keśarī

May He who is the original Cupid protect my thighs. May He who exhibits a human-like form protect my knees. May the remover of the burden of the earth, who appears in a form that is halfman and half-lion, protect my calves.

Moge Hij die de originele Cupido is mijn dijen beschermen. Moge Hij die een mensachtige gedaante vertoont mijn knieën beschermen. Moge de verlosser van de last van de aarde, die als half mens en half leeuw verschijnt, mijn kuiten beschermen.

सुरराज्यप्रदः पातु
पादौ मे नृहरीश्वरः
पातु मे सर्वशस्तनुम्


sura-rājya-pradaḥ pātu
pādau me nṛharīśvaraḥ
pātu me sarvaśas tanum

May the bestower of heavenly opulence protect my feet. He is the Supreme Controller in the form of a man and lion combined. May the thousand-headed Supreme enjoyer protect my body from all sides and in all respects.

Moge de schenker van hemelse weelde mijn voeten beschermen. Hij is de Allerhoogste Bestuurder in de gedaante van een gecombineerde mens en leeuw. Moge de duizendhoofdige Allerhoogste genieter mijn lichaam van alle kanten en in alle opzichten beschermen.

मनोग्रः पूर्वतः पातु
महावीराग्रजो ऽग्नितः
महाविष्णुर्दक्षिणे तु
महाज्वलस्तु नैरृतः


manograḥ pūrvataḥ pātu
mahā-vīrāgrajo ’gnitaḥ
mahā-viṣṇur dakṣiṇe tu
mahā-jvalas tu nairṛtaḥ

May that most ferocious personality protect me from the east. May He who is superior to the greatest heroes protect me from the southeast, which is presided over by Agni. May the Supreme Viṣṇu protect me from the south, and may that person of blazing luster protect me from the southwest.

Moge die meest woeste persoonlijkheid mij beschermen vanuit het oosten. Moge Hij die superieur is aan de grootste helden mij beschermen vanuit het zuidoosten, dat bestuurd wordt door Agni. Moge de Allerhoogste Viṣṇu mij beschermen vanuit het zuiden, en moge die persoon met een schitterende gloed mij vanuit het zuidwesten beschermen.

पश्चिमे पातु सर्वेशो
दिशि मे सर्वतोमुखः
नृसिंहः पातु वायव्यां
सौम्यां भूषणविग्रहः


paścime pātu sarveśo
diśi me sarvatomukhaḥ
nṛsiṁhaḥ pātu vāyavyāṁ
saumyāṁ bhūṣaṇa-vigrahaḥ

May the Lord of everything protect me from the west. His faces are everywhere, so please may He protect me from this direction. May Lord Nṛsiṁha protect me from the northwest, which is predominated by Vāyu, and may He whose form is in itself the supreme ornament protect me from the north, where Soma resides.

Moge de Heer van alles mij beschermen vanuit het westen. Zijn gezichten zijn overal, dus moge Hij mij vanuit deze richting beschermen. Moge Heer Nṛsiṁha mij beschermen vanuit het noordwesten, dat bestuurd wordt door Vāyu, en moge Hij wiens gedaante op zichzelf het allerhoogste sieraad is mij beschermen vanuit het noorden, waar Soma verblijft.

ईशान्यां पातु भद्रो मे
संसारभयतः पातु


īśānyāṁ pātu bhadro me
saṁsāra-bhayataḥ pātu
mṛtyor mṛtyur nṛ-keśarī

May the all-auspicious Lord, who Himself bestows all-auspiciousness, protect from the northeast, the direction of the sun god, and may He who is death personified protect me from fear of death and rotation in this material world.

Moge de zegenrijke Heer, die Zelf alle voorspoed schenkt, mij beschermen vanuit het noordoosten, de richting van de zonnegod, en moge Hij die de belichaming van de dood is mij beschermen tegen angst voor de dood en het rondgaan in deze materiële wereld.

इदं नृसिंहकवचं
भक्तिमान्यः पथेनैत्यं
सर्वपापैः प्रमुच्यते


idaṁ nṛsiṁha-kavacaṁ
bhaktimān yaḥ pathenaityaṁ
sarva-pāpaiḥ pramucyate

This Nṛsiṁha-kavaca has been ornamented by issuing from the mouth of Prahlāda Mahārāja. A devotee who reads this becomes freed from all sins.

Deze Nṛsiṁha-kavaca is getooid door voort te komen uit de mond van Prahlāda Mahārāja. Een toegewijde die dit leest raakt bevrijd van alle zondes.

यं यं कामयते कामं
तं तं प्राप्नोत्यसंशयम्


putravān dhanavān loke
dīrghāyur upajāyate
yaṁ yaṁ kāmayate kāmaṁ
taṁ taṁ prāpnoty asaṁśayam

Whatever one desires in the world he can attain without doubt. One can have wealth, many sons, and a long life.

Wat men ook maar verlangt in deze wereld kan men zonder twijfel bereiken. Men kan rijkdom vergaren, vele nakomelingen krijgen en lang blijven leven.

सर्वत्र जयमाप्नोति
सर्वत्र विजयी भवेत्
ग्रहानां विनिवारणम्


sarvatra jayam āpnoti
sarvatra vijayī bhavet
bhūmy antarīkṣa-divyānāṁ
grahānāṁ vinivāraṇam

He becomes victorious who desires victory, and indeed becomes a conqueror. He wards off the influence of all planets, earthly, heavenly, and everything in between.

Hij die succes wenst behaalt de overwinning, en wordt een veroveraar. Hij wordt beschermd tegen de kwade invloed van alle planeten, aardse, hemelse, en alles daartussen.

विषापहरणं परम्


viṣāpaharaṇaṁ param

This is the supreme remedy for the poisonous effects of serpents and scorpions, and Brahma-rākṣasa ghosts and Yakṣas are driven away.

Dit is het allerhoogste middel tegen het giftige effect van slangen en schorpioenen, en brahma-rākṣasa geesten en Yakṣa’s worden verdreven.

भुजे वा तलपात्रे वा
कवचं लिखितं शुभम्
करमूले धृतं येन
सिध्येयुः कर्मसिद्धयः


bhuje vā tala-pātre vā
kavacaṁ likhitaṁ śubham
kara-mūle dhṛtaṁ yena
sidhyeyuḥ karma-siddhayaḥ

One may write this most auspicious prayer on his arm, or inscribe it on a palm-leaf and attach it to his wrist, and all his activities will become perfect.

Men mag dit meest voorspoedig gebed op zijn arm schrijven, of het op een palmblad schrijven en het aan zijn pols vastmaken, en al zijn activiteiten zullen perfect worden.

स्वं स्वमेव जयं लभेत्
एकसन्ध्यं त्रिसन्ध्यं वा
यः पठेन्नियतो नरः


svaṁ svam eva jayaṁ labhet
eka-sandhyaṁ tri-sandhyaṁ vā
yaḥ paṭhen niyato naraḥ

One who regularly chants this prayer, whether once or thrice (daily), he becomes victorious whether among demigods, demons, or human beings.

Degene die regelmatig dit gebed chant, of het nu eenmaal of driemaal (per dag) is, wordt zegerijk of hij zich onder de goden, demonen of mensen bevindt.

भुक्तिं मुक्तिं च विन्दति
पथेत्शुद्धात्मनां नृणाम्


bhuktiṁ muktiṁ ca vindati
pathet śuddhātmanāṁ nṛṇām

One who with purified heart recites this prayer 32000 times attains the most auspicious of all auspicious things, and material enjoyment and liberation are already understood to be available to such a person.

Degene die met een gezuiverd hart dit gebed 32000 keer reciteert bereikt het meest voorspoedige van alle voorspoedige zaken, en materieel genot en verlossing zijn al bereikbaar voor zo’n persoon.

कवचस्यास्य मन्त्रस्य
मन्त्रसिद्धिः प्रजायते
अनेन मन्त्रराजेन
कृत्वा भस्माभिर्मन्त्रानाम्


kavacasyāsya mantrasya
mantra-siddhiḥ prajāyate
anena mantra-rājena
kṛtvā bhasmābhir mantrānām

This Kavaca-mantra is the king of all mantras. One attains by it what would be attained by anointing oneself with ashes and chanting all other mantras.

Deze Kavaca-mantra is de koning van alle mantra’s. Men bereikt ermee datgene wat bereikt zou worden door zich in te smeren met as en alle andere mantra’s te chanten.

तिलकं विन्यसेद्यस्तु
तस्य ग्रहभयं हरेत्
त्रिवारं जपमानस्तु
दत्तं वार्याभिमन्त्र्य च


tilakaṁ vinyased yas tu
tasya graha-bhayaṁ haret
tri-vāraṁ japamānas tu
dattaṁ vāryābhimantrya ca

Having marked one’s body with tilaka, taking die ācamana with water, and reciting this mantra three times, one will find that the fear of all inauspicious planets is removed.

Nadat men het lichaam met tilaka heeft gemarkeerd, ācamana met water heeft verricht en deze mantra drie keer heeft gereciteerd, zal men ervaren dat de angst voor alle ongunstige planeten verwijderd is.

प्रसयेद्यो नरो मन्त्रं
तस्य रोगः प्रणश्यन्ति
ये च स्युः कुक्षिसम्भवाः


prasayed yo naro mantraṁ
nṛsiṁha-dhyānam ācaret
tasya rogaḥ praṇaśyanti
ye ca syuḥ kukṣi-sambhavāḥ

That person who recites this mantra, meditating upon Lord Nṛsiṁhadeva, has all of his diseases vanquished, including those of the abdomen.

Degene die deze mantra reciteert, mediterend op Heer Nṛsiṁhadeva, drukt alle ziektes de kop in, inclusief die van de buik.  

गर्जन्तं गार्जयन्तं निजभुजपतलं स्फोटयन्तं हतन्तं
रूप्यन्तं तापयन्तं दिवि भुवि दितिजं क्षेपयन्तम्क्षिपन्तम्
क्रन्दन्तं रोषयन्तं दिशि दिशि सततं संहरन्तं भरन्तं
वीक्षन्तं पूर्णयन्तं करनिकरशतैर्दिव्यसिंहं नमामि


garjantaṁ gārjayantaṁ nija-bhuja-patalaṁ sphoṭayantaṁ hatantaṁ
rūpyantaṁ tāpayantaṁ divi bhuvi ditijaṁ kṣepayantam kṣipantam
krandantaṁ roṣayantaṁ diśi diśi satataṁ saṁharantaṁ bharantaṁ
vīkṣantaṁ pūrṇayantaṁ kara-nikara-śatair divya-siṁhaṁ namāmi

Lord Nṛsiṁha roars loudly and causes others to roar. With His multitudes of arms He tears the demons asunder and kills them in this way. He is always seeking out and tormenting the demoniac descendants of Diti, both on this earth planet and in the higher planets, and He throws them down and scatters them. He cries with great anger as He destroys the demons in all directions, yet with His unlimited hands He sustains, protects, and nourishes the cosmic manifestation. I offer my respectful obeisances to the Lord, who has assumed the form of a transcendental lion.

Heer Nṛsiṁha brult hard en maakt anderen aan het brullen. Met Zijn groot aantal armen scheurt Hij de demonen aan stukken en doodt ze op deze manier. Hij zoekt altijd naar en kwelt altijd de demonische nazaten van Diti, zowel op deze aardse planeet als de hogere planeten, en Hij werpt ze naar beneden en drijft ze uiteen. Hij schreeuwt met grote woede terwijl Hij de demonen in alle richtingen doodt, maar toch ondersteunt, beschermt en voedt Hij de kosmische manifestatie met Zijn oneindige handen. Ik offer mijn respectvolle eerbetuigingen aan de Heer, die de gedaante van een transcendentale leeuw heeft aangenomen.

Śrīla Bhakti Vijñāna Bhāratī Mahārāja: One day, during the time I was dealing with a lawsuit to remove the tenants illegally occupying the appearance place of Śrīla Prabhupāda in Purī, Śrīla Siddhāntī Gosvāmī Mahārāja approached me with concern for my wellbeing. With the affection of a guardian, he said, “I will have a nṛsiṁha-kavaca made for your protection. You must wear it at all times. You have no idea what harm these people might do to you.” Sure enough, some days later he brought me a nṛsiṁha-kavaca prepared by his godbrother, Śrīpāda Kṛṣṇa-keśava Brahmacārī. When he gave it to me, he showed me his arm, which bore a nṛsiṁha-kavaca, and said, “Look, I too wear one.”
Although I accepted the nṛsiṁha-kavaca he gave me, I faced an internal dilemma about whether I should wear it. I thought it over and concluded that if I were truly surrendered and if all my efforts were intended purely for the service of Bhagavān, then indeed, no one would be able to cause me the least bit of harm or even so much as bruise me as long as He wishes to accept my service. Furthermore, since Bhagavān is the one accepting my service, the responsibility of my protection lies with Him alone. Why should I independently endeavor to protect myself? For these reasons, I was unenthusiastic about wearing the nṛsiṁha-kavaca. However, since it was affectionately given to me by Śrīla Siddhāntī Gosvāmī Mahārāja, I always kept it with me. To this day, it is stored safely in my closet.
When we eventually won the lawsuit, Śrīla Siddhāntī Gosvāmī Mahārāja told me, “You have snatched this meal right out of the tiger’s mouth.”
“Mahārāja,” I replied, “what capacity do I possess to snatch a meal from the jaws of a tiger? It is by the power of Śrīla Prabhupāda’s disciples such as yourself – by your good wishes and mercy – that we have become instruments in fulfilling our gurupāda-padma’s desire.”
Śrīla Mahārāja then said, “Maintaining this kind of submissiveness is the key to gain rightful and eternal entry into vaiṣṇava-dharma.”
Under the guidance of Guru Mahārāja, a huge festival was organized at Śrīla Prabhupāda’s appearance place in 1978 to commemorate his vyāsa-pūjā. At that time, Śrīla Siddhāntī Gosvāmī Mahārāja was the first to donate toward the construction of a maṭha there. As he handed me one thousand rupees, he expressed his happiness and bestowed many instructive blessings upon me.

Śyāmarāṇī dāsī: Gurudeva, for the addendum of your Gopī-gīta lectures book, we are having brief biographies of the different Bhāgavatam commentators. One of those commentators is Śrīla Śrīdhara Svāmī. I have read that he is a devotee of Lord Nṛsiṁhadeva, and he wrote verses like:

vāg-īśā yasya vadane
lakṣmīr yasya ca vakṣasi
yasyāste hṛdaye saṁvit
taṁ nṛsiṁham ahaṁ bhaje

In His mouth the goddess Śuddha-Sarasvatī is always present, on His chest Lakṣmī-devī always sports, and within His heart special affection for His devotees is always manifest – I worship that Nṛsiṁhadeva.

If he is a devotee of Lord Nṛsiṁhadeva, how could he write such wonderful commentaries about the gopīs in Gopī-gīta?
Śrīla Bhaktivedānta Nārāyaṇa Mahārāja: I am a devotee of Kṛṣṇa, but I often discuss the glories of Rāma. What is the harm? Just as I see that Rāma is Kṛṣṇa, he knows that God is one Supreme Lord and that He is Kṛṣṇa: “I am worshiping Nṛsiṁhadeva, but Nṛsiṁhadeva is really none other than Kṛṣṇa.” Vyāsadeva is a devotee of Kṛṣṇa. How did he write Rāma-caritra (the life history and character of Lord Rāma), Nṛsiṁha-caritra, and the histories of all other incarnations? How did he write in the various Purāṇas about different demigods?
Śyāmarāṇī dāsī: So he knows that Lord Nṛsiṁhadeva is not Svayam Bhagavān, but rather an expansion?
Śrīla Bhaktivedānta Nārāyaṇa Mahārāja: No. He knows that Nṛsiṁhadeva is Kṛṣṇa. He knows this. He knows about all the rasas, so he knows that dāsya, sakhya, vātsalya, and especially mādhurya are not present in Nṛsiṁhadeva. Only the rasa of bhayānaka (fear) is present.
Veṇu-gopāla dāsa: When can we sing the Nṛsiṁha prayers?
Śrīla Bhaktivedānta Nārāyaṇa Mahārāja: You can sing them at any time. We can pray, “O Nṛsiṁhadeva, please protect me from all anarthas and all kinds of problems, so that I can serve Kṛṣṇa and Rādhikā.” Anything else?

Rāmacandra dāsa: What if we give Nṛsiṁha-kavaca and don’t take money?
Śrīla Bhaktivedānta Nārāyaṇa Mahārāja: No need; the mahāmantra can provide whatever is needed for our progress in bhakti. Jana-saṅga in this verse means ‘the association of materialists’. Don’t take the association of materialists. Don’t enter into discussions with them or listen to what they have to say. Don’t enter into gossip.

Devotee: Gurudeva, in Jaiva-dharma, the guru of Premadāsa Mahāśaya Bābājī [Pradyumna Brahmacārī] served Nṛsiṁhadeva. Why did he serve Nṛsiṁhadeva and not Rādhā-Kṛṣṇa?
Śrīla Bhaktivedānta Nārāyaṇa Mahārāja: But his aim was Rādhā-Kṛṣṇa.
Śrīpāda Mādhava Mahārāja: His aim was Rādhā-Kṛṣṇa, but he lived in Devapallī, the place of Nṛsiṁhadeva. We have to give honour.
For example, we do bhajana of Rādhā-Kṛṣṇa. We also observe the holy days of Rāma-navamī vrata and Nṛsiṁha Caturdaśī, but our aim is Rādhā-Kṛṣṇa.
Śrīla Bhaktivedānta Nārāyaṇa Mahārāja: Śrīdhara Svāmī’s worshipful Deity was Nṛsiṁhadeva, but his ultimate goal was rādhā-kṛṣṇa-prema, as evidenced by his commentary on Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam.
So many persons chant japa of Nṛsiṁhadeva [Nṛsiṁha-kavaca or any other special nṛsṁha-mantra], but only for vighna-vināśa (to remove obstacles or give special protection in case of emergency).
Do you understand? It is only for vighna-vināśa.* But our ultimate goal is Mahāprabhu’s line – rādhā-kṛṣṇa-prema.

*Some of Śrīla Gurudeva’s disciples chanted the following mantra when he was performing his final manifest pastimes:

oṁ ugram vīram mahā-viṣṇuṁ
jvalantaṁ sarvato mukham
nṛsiṁhaṁ bhīṣaṇaṁ bhadraṁ
mṛtyur mṛtyuṁ namāmy ahaṁ

May my head be protected by the moon-colored one, who is the greatest among all beings. My obeisances unto the ferocious and powerful, the great Viṣṇu, the fiery one, whose faces are on all sides, the fearful one, Nṛsiṁha, who causes the death of even death personified (or, who can overcome death).

Vertaling: door de leerlingen van Śrīla Prabhupāda en Śrīla Bhaktivedānta Nārāyaṇa Mahārāja
Compositie: Dāmodara dāsa
Image/Art made possible by Krishnapath.org

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