Śrīla Gurudeva: If you cannot follow the principles of the sannyāsa order, then what is the use of taking sannyāsa and giving up your house, father, mother, sister, and so forth? We should be very strict in our behaviour.
Gṛhasthas must not be attached to home, wife, and children. They may maintain them, but without attachment; giving importance to chanting the holy name, reading books, and distributing books; continuing in this way.
There is no time to lose. Death is always dancing on our heads, so do not neglect harināma and guru (gāyatrī) mantra. It is essential to chant them daily.
Does anyone have questions?
Devotee: Gurudeva, I heard that there are five rasas (relationships) that the living entity can have with Kṛṣṇa. Regarding our relationship with Śrī Caitanya Mahāprabhu, is it only in dāsya-rasa?
Śrīla Gurudeva: Yes. First practice dāsya-bhāva. Then, when you become mature in bhakti, Mahāprabhu will automatically be seen as Śrī Śrī Rādhā-Kṛṣṇa, and you will enter Their pastimes. But first, only dāsya-bhāva.
Śrīpāda Mādhava Mahārāja: Rūpa-manohara from Hawaii is here. Today is his birthday.
Śrīla Gurudeva: Oh, you are here. Very good. [Giving birthday blessings] Maṅgalam bhavatu, kalyāṇam bhavatu – May this birthday bring you auspiciousness. May you be happy in this world and the transcendental world. May kṛṣṇa-bhakti enter your heart.
Śrīpāda Śrautī Mahārāja: This prabhujī wants to take vānaprastha. He is currently separated from his wife. He is from Slovenia, but he is French.
Śrīla Gurudeva: Is he in a position to give up his house and children, and everything he possesses?
Devotee: Yes. I only have one child. There is no difficulty.
Śrīla Gurudeva: You have a son?
Devotee: Yes, one.
Śrīla Gurudeva: How old is he?
Devotee: Seven years old. His name is Vālmīki.
Śrīla Gurudeva: Who will maintain him?
Devotee: My wife is at home with him. She will maintain him.
Śrīla Gurudeva: Your wife has agreed to this?
Devotee: Yes. When I distribute books with Āśrama Mahārāja in England, sometimes I give a little something. I don’t maintain them, but sometimes I send a little money to them.
Śrīpāda Śrautī Mahārāja: He sends something to his family every month at present, but he is not obligated to do so.
Śrīla Gurudeva: Very good.
Vrajanātha dāsa: Gokula-candra was in charge of the maṭha in Stuttgart.
Śrīla Gurudeva: Who is in charge now?
Gokula-candra dāsa: Ṭhākuraji is here with me.
Śrīla Gurudeva: Very unfortunate.
(To Vrajanātha dāsa) Has he decided to marry an Australian girl?
Vrajanātha dāsa: He wanted to, yes.
Śrīla Gurudeva: I don’t want my brahmacārīs to deviate. ISKCON says there is no harm for a brahmacārī to deviate from the principles of his āśrama, but we must not do this.
Kṛṣṇa has given us this human life solely by His mercy. If you lose this opportunity by indulging in sense gratification, then for hundreds of thousands of births you will be born as dogs, hogs, monkeys, donkeys, and honkeys, at which time you will have no chance for bhakti.
There was once a blind beggar. When he went to beg one day, feeling his way around, he found a door and thought, “Maybe there are some gṛhasthas here who I can beg from.” He entered the compound, an extremely large compound of 8,400,000 yojanas (a yojana equals eight miles). Touching the wall with one hand and using his stick with the other, he began to walk. After millions of years, he again found his way to the door. However, just before reaching the door he felt an itch. He began scratching that itch, and because of this he missed the door. In fact, again and again he missed the door in this way.
The door represents the human form of life. If we miss the opportunity of this human birth, we will again wait millions of births for another opportunity – and again we may miss it. Always remember this, and try to exercise control. This is the reason I travel, and the reason my disciples and sannyāsīs travel; to inspire you.
He is qualified; very, very qualified.
(To Gokula-candra dāsa) Now you are like a jewel, but when you marry, your value will become like that of glass.
Dhruva Mahārāja lamented. “I was searching for broken glass and I found cintāmaṇi (a wish-fulfilling gem), the darśana of Nārāyaṇa, but then I lost it. He gave me rule over a kingdom for 36,000 years, but He did not give me His abode and service.” You will also lament in this way.
Morning Walks and Conversations with Śrīla Bhaktivedānta Nārāyaṇa Mahārāja 2009
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